• The powerhouse of regulating function, interpretating sensory information, emotion processing, and the foundation of intelligence, memory and creativity – the brain- is the most complex organ of the body and is constantly active, even in sleep. Though genetics sets the stage for our cognitive health and building our cognitive reserve, we can improve brain health & cognitive health (a domain of brain health) through regular exercise, a plant-based diet, quality sleep, stress management, nurturing social interactions, and healthy mental stimulation.


So, what are the suggested capacities of a healthy brain?

  • Perception, attention, complex movement & coordination, memory & learning, emotion regulation, practical & social judgment, language, and visuo-spatial processing.


And, what else contributes to brain function, connectivity, executive function, cognitive flexibility, motor coordination, perception and protection from age-related degeneration?

  • Specific activities that engage the brain in novel ways can improve our cognitive function, memory & creativity: these include, meditation, visualizing (forming mental images to represent information), playing board games, memory card games, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku & video games, learning new skills, a new language or a musical instrument, listening to music, creating art, and engaging in sports or dance.
  • Trialling brain-training activities to discover what is most enjoyable is suggested – and sustaining them over time contributes to your cognitive health and overall brain functioning.